Mês: Julho 2023
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António Alvim: “Com a proposta apresentada aos sindicatos, 122 USF modelo A irão regredir para UCSP”
Em artigo exclusivo publicado pelo Healthnews, António Alvim, médico de família e um dos pioneiros nos novos modelos de contratualização…
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Human senescent fibroblasts cause lung fibrosis in mice
The secretome of senescent human lung fibroblasts as mediator of murine lung fibrosis. Credit: 2023 Hernandez-Gonzalez et al. A new…
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PSD denuncia constrangimentos no Hospital de Gaia devido à falta de profissionais
O deputado social-democrata Firmino Pereira denunciou hoje que o Governo autorizou apenas a contratação de 88 dos 636 profissionais que…
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Impact of COVID-19 on cancer center clinical trials operations
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Leveraging its network of leading North American cancer centers, the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)…
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PSD denúncia constrangimentos no Hospital de Gaia devido à falta de profissionais
“Esta decisão do Ministro das Finanças, que prejudica o funcionamento do Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, demonstra que…
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Área Reservada | HealthNews
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Oxycodone prescriptions after delivery not linked to longer-term opioid use compared to codeine
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Postpartum prescriptions for oxycodone were not associated with increased risk of longer-term opioid use compared to…
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For older adults at risk of cognitive decline, hearing aids may reduce risk by half
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Using hearing aids can slow cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss who are also…
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Millions live with low back pain—addressing risk factors like smoking, obesity and workplace ergonomics could curb trend
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world, with over 600 million…
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Novel vaccine may hold key to prevent or reduce the impact of Alzheimer’s disease
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A novel vaccine that targets inflamed brain cells associated with Alzheimer’s disease may hold the key…
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Twenty percent with livebirth via ART go on to conceive naturally
Twenty percent of women with livebirth via assisted reproductive technology (ART) subsequently conceive naturally, according to a study published online…
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Uma primeira leitura da proposta do Governo da revisão do Modelo B das USFs (nova atualização)
Uma primeira leitura da proposta do Governo da revisão do Modelo B das USFs Nota: Esta é a minha leitura…
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They also help heart failure patients
Wearable devices like smartwatches continually track physical activity, urging folks to take more daily steps for their health. Now, a…
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Misericórdia de Lisboa dá apoio na área da Saúde no âmbito da JMJ
A Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) vai contribuir com uma resposta na área da Saúde no âmbito da…
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AgRP neurons in the hypothalamus may not be essential for maintaining body weight
The team unexpectedly found that ablation of AgRP neurons had no disruptions in ad libitum feeding or body weight in…
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How austerity made the UK more vulnerable to COVID
Credit: SB Arts Media/Shutterstock The concept of austerity featured prominently in the first round of hearings of the UK’s COVID…
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Love to nap? Here’s more evidence it’s good for your brain
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A study published last month in the journal Sleep Health found that regular napping is linked…
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People on ART with low levels of HIV viral load found to have almost zero risk of sexually transmitting the virus
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain People living with HIV who maintain low—but still detectible—levels of the virus and adhere to their…
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Pitt study points to new opportunities for HIV treatment
HIV infecting a human cell. Credit: NIH Sometimes in science, answers come serendipitously, where researchers aren’t expecting to find them.…
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A perspetiva da Enfermagem de Reabilitação perante o envelhecimento e as doenças crónicas
A longevidade do ser humano e as doenças crónicas são fenómenos que, para além de se interligarem, têm relevância em…
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